
Here you can watch videos of CellexalVR in action.


Data shown is from Giustacchini et al, Nature Medicine, 2017, 23, 692-702


Here you can view a screenshot from CellexalVR in VR. This is best viewed on a mobile device and with a Google Cardboard or equivalent.

Unfortunately the latest version of Google Chrome broke the vr view on mobile devices. In the meantime, we suggest you use another browser.

Click on the circles for some more information about the things in the image.

A heatmap that has been created from a grouping. Cells run across columns and genes run across rows. A low expression is shown in blue and a high expression is shown in red.

Transcription factor networks that have been created from a grouping. Indivudal networks can be enlarged and freed from the graph skeleton for a better view.

Transcription factor networks that have been created from a grouping. The networks are placed on an impression of the graph they were selected from for a better understanding of where they came from.

This 3D projection of the data comes from an pseudo time algorithm called DDRTree. Each little sphere in the graph represents a cell in the data. The colored groups were selected using one of the VR controllers.

This 3D projection of the data is a diffusion map.

This 3D projection of the data comes from an algorithm called tSNE.