

2. Colouring and Toggling


After doing certain actions in CellexalVR you can view information about what you just did in the legend. To open the legend, press the "Toggle Legend" button on the main menu. There are currently three different available legends in CellexalVR, each is described below. The legend frame can be moved around freely by moving the controller into the frame and pressing the grip button on your controller. The legend frame will switch the currently active legend whenever you perform an action related to that legend, to manually switch between the available legends, use the buttons on top of the legend frame.

Attribute Legend

The attribute legend will show up automatically when you color graphs based on an attribute. Each attribute that you color the graphs by will show up with its respective color, as well as the number of cells belonging to that attribute, the percent of currently colored cells that this attribute makes up, and the percent of all cells that this attribute makes up.

Selection Legend

The selection legend will show up whenever you select cells in a graph with the selection tool. Similarly to the attribute legend this will show the groups with their respective colors, the number of cells belonging to that group, the percent of currently colored cells that this group makes up, and the percent of all cells that this group makes up.

Gene Expression Histogram

The gene expression histogram will show up automatically whenever you color graphs based on a gene expression. The histogram will have one bar for each color the graphs have at their disposal, colors and number of colors can be changed in the settings menu. Similarly to the main menu, pointing the controller towards the gene expression histogram allows you to interact with it using a laser pointer. Pointing the laser at one of the bars will tell you which bar it is (how far from the left it is) and how many cells are colored in that color (how tall the bar is). Holding the trigger and moving it across multiple bars will show the total, mean and median number of cells in those colors. The maximum number of cells can be read at the top of the Y-axis and the maximum expression can be read at the end of the X-axis. The histograms Y-axis is scaled so the tallest bar fits exactly inside the histogram. If one or more bars are substanially taller than the others, there is an option to rescale the Y-axis to match the second (or third or fourth or ...) tallest bar instead. Press the plus or minus sign buttons next to the Y-axis to fit the Y-axis to some other tallest bar. Bars that go outside histogram are marked with a different top. Pressing the "Switch Mode" button next to the Y-axis will switch between a linear and logarithmic Y-axis.

Above the histogram are ten tab buttons that can be pressed to switch between the ten last colored genes. These buttons will feature the same genes as the previous searches list allowing you to lock genes in place.